John Oliver mocks Bucks in stadium funding rant: “I fear no deer.”

The city of Milwaukee and its basketball team took it on the chin during Sunday’s “Last Week With John Oliver” rant about public financing for sports stadiums.

adeerFullSizeRenderOliver, a comic commentator formerly with “The Daily Show” and in the tradition of the show’s host Jon Stewart, mocked the Bucks’ promotional campaign promising that a new stadium would transform “the community with new development” as well as the team’s “Fear the Deer” slogan.

(The Milwaukee segment begins at 9:30 into the piece).

“Settle down Milwaukee Bucks. For a start, I don’t think Wisconsin will be transformed by one new arena.

Also if you really are looking to make a tangible change, how about a better slogan than ‘Fear the Deer.’ Deer aren’t scary. They’re timid forest ponies with sticks on their head. I fear no deer.”

He also mocked Mayor Tom Barrett’s anecdote (at 13:20) that he was on the Great Wall of China wearing a Milwaukee t-shirt when a “Chinese guy” came up to him and said “Milwaukee Bucks.”

“The only possible way that story is true,” said Oliver, if that was Yi Jianlian,” the former Bucks player.

Watch it below:






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  • Jim Boyce

    he should fear a deer, you hit one of those damn things at 55mph when they come outta nowhere on the highway and you’re screwed.

  • Wow

    Now Im a fan and everything, but John Oliver versus a full grown whitetail? I’ll take the Buck every time.

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