Archive for August, 2016

There Is No Gender Equity in “Equity,” With Anna Gunn

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There is no gender equity in “Equity.”

The workaholic investment banker played by Anna Gunn is deeply invested in her job. But the odds are stacked against her like the Jenga tower on the desk of her male boss. She is judged by what she wears and whether she smiles.

Her albatross is a bungled account that finds her passed over and pissed off. And when things really go sideways, her story spreads its tentacles like the diagram of a scandal.

There is the suave boyfriend suspected of illegal trading; the smarmy new tech client whose IPO she is managing; the up and coming assistant, torn between her life and her job, to whom she is mentor and competitor; and an old friend who is now working for a federal agency that oversees financial transactions she conducts.

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‘Southside With You’: When Barack Met Michelle

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“Southside With You” is the no drama Obama first date movie.

They met in 1989 in Chicago where Barack was a Harvard law school intern at the firm where Michelle worked.

He was a laid back chain smoker and neighborhood organizer with a charismatic speaking style, she was a nose to the grindstone black woman who worked twice as hard as her white male colleagues.

“It’s not date,” she insists throughout as they drive around, walk around, eat lunch, attend a community meeting, have a beer and end up at a screening of Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing.”

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Packers Ratings Beat Olympics. Also, Sky Is Blue

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Milwaukee area TV households like their sports to be green and gold if Friday nights ratings are any indication. Also there is gambling in Casablanca.

The meaningless Green Bay Packer  pre-season victory against the Cleveland Browns on WMLW-TV beat NBC’s coverage of the Summer Olympics by a full 4 rating points or about 35,200 TV homes.

Weigel-owned WMLW won the night – the first time I’ve ever written that – with a 16.3 rating, or about 143,800 viewers.

NBC affiliate WTMJ earned a 12.2 or about 107,000 TV homes. A local rating point is the equivalent of about 8,822 TV homes.

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Desperate “Suicide Squad” All Shock, No Awe

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“Suicide Squad” has no clothes. And I’m not talking about scantily clad Harley Quinn.

This violent and chaotic placeholder between “Batman V. Superman” and “Justice League” is a desperate and derivative exercise in catchup by a DC Comics tired of eating the dust of the relatively stable and comparatively benevolent Marvel Comics universe.

Like “BvS” Suicide Squad is a journey into shadows where good and bad look and act alike. This false equivalency is dramatically exaggerated simply for effect and the result is shock but no awe.

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