Archive for September, 2016

Packer Ratings Take A Big Dip But Dominate

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It’s not surprising that on the first day of the 2016 football season, the Green Bay Packers game against the Jacksonville Jaguars – and other games – were Sunday’s most watched programming.

It is surprising, however, that the overnight rating for the Packer game dipped almost nine points compared to the season opening game in 2015.

Sunday’s game earned a 38.3 rating for Fox affiliate WITI-TV (Channel 6). This means 337,882 TV homes were tuned in.

In 2015 the opening game against the Chicago Bears earned a 46.7 overnight rating, or 411,987 TV homes.

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Eastwood and Hanks’ “Sully” A No-Nonsense Everyman

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Mustaches loom large in Clint Eastwood’s “Sully.”

Large, because I saw it in IMAX where size matters.

This trivial observation, however, also speaks to a commitment to the literal that is peculiar to Eastwood’s films.

Since the pilot Chesley Sullenberger, who landed an Airbus jet in the Hudson River saving 155 “souls” and his co-pilot Jeff Skiles, both had cookie dusters in real life, so do Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart, the actors who play them.

It’s the sort ordinary detail, that like a scoop of vanilla, gives Eastwood’s storytelling a bland name.

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