Same as it ever was. WMIL, WTMJ top April radio ratings

Same as it ever was. Stop me if you’ve heard this before but country music station WMIL-FM and news/talk/information station WTMJ-AM were again ranked number one and two in the April ratings survey.

But while WMIL dropped .2 of a share, WTMJ climbed a full point from last month, the single largest gain by any station in the survey.

The same two stations have shared the top two spots since the first of the year. WTMJ held the top spot in January but WMIL regained it the following month.

In fact the top five ranked stations are identical to last month.

Of note:

—WKLH-FM, which rebranded itself during the survey from “Classic Rock” to “Hometown Rock,” jumped .3 of a share;

—WLDB-FM which rebranded itself from B93 to “Trending Radio” and adopted a Hot AC format in competition with WMYX – and dropping Jane Matenaer in the process – dropped .8 of a share, the biggest decline in the survey. WMYX jumped .3;

—And public radio stations WHAD-FM and WUWM-FM, beat sports talk stations WSSP-AM and WOKY-AM, leading some to see this as evidence of intelligent life on earth;

The April ratings, provided by industry newsletter Tom Taylor Now, represent a percentage of those listening to radio who are listening to a station in an average-quarter hour.

They measure listening by total audience, 6 years and older.

WMIL-FM 10.5  (-.2)

WTMJ-AM 10.1 (+1.0)

WRIT-FM  7.8 (+.8)

WISN-AM 5.7 (-.9)

WMYX-FM 5.7 (+ .3)

WKKV-FM  5.5  (+.4)

WKLH-FM  5.4 (+.3)

WHQG-FM 4.5 (-.2)

WLUM-FM 3.9 (+.1)

WXSS-FM 3.9 (-.4)

WLWK-FM 3.3 (-.1)

WJMR-FM  2.9 (-.3)

WLDB-FM  2.5 (-.8)

WNRG-FM 2.5 (+.1)

WHAD-FM 2.4 (+.1)

WRNW-FM 2.4 (-.6)

WUWM-FM 1.5 (+.1)

WSSP-AM 1.3 (no change)

WYMS-FM 0.8 (-.1)

WOKY-AM 0.6 (no change)

WZTI-AM  0.4 (-.1)

Tags: A.C. Nielsen, Milwaukee Radio Ratings, Ratings, wmil, Posted by
  • Mark Pfeifer

    Thank you for the continued radio reporting on the Milwaukee dial. Far more than we get usually up here on local radio in the Twin Cities papers!

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