The Eight Films Of Christmas

It’s that time of year when the vacuum cleaner fills with pine needles and the front yard is littered with extension cords.

Christmas is also the time when the multiplex fills with holiday movies, some vying for end of year awards recognition, others simply trying to make a buck, many hoping for both.

By holiday movies I don’t mean of the saccharine Hallmark-type TV movie genre, but movies being released on Christmas Day or a day or two earlier to get a ten-lords-leap ahead of the competition.

The Christmas Day movie release is a tradition as odd as the Festivus pole.

It is based on the contradictory impressions that people either want to escape the family intensive holiday experience or want to continue it by sharing a movie with their loved ones.

Whatever the case, this year there will be eight films to choose from, opening on Christmas Day.


“The Revenant”



“The Danish Girl”


“The Hateful Eight”


“Point Break”

Tags: Carol, Concussion, Danish Girl, Hateful Eight, Joy, Point Break, Revenant, Youth Posted by

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